Psychology Doctoral Programs | Best PsyD & PhD Degrees

Find and compare accredited psychology Ph.D. and Psy.D degree programs, careers, and salary options. Find your niche and take your job to the next level.

Expert opinions on how to find and compare accredited Psy.D programs, career options, and salary scales. Find your niche and take your psychology job to the next level.

Psychology Ph.D. Programs

Ph.D. Psychology is established to give you exceptional skills to succeed academically and elsewhere. Accordingly, the program emphasizes innovative research, methodology, and application of cognitive guides.

To obtain a doctorate in this area of expertise, you typically need to concentrate on one of the many areas of psychology. Occupational therapy applied attitudinal analysis, marital and family therapy, and more.

The study syllabus for this study is quite extensive. You will need to complete an average of 57-75 credit hours. This includes research courses, placements, and a thesis.

More or less of the courses you’ll offer in your studies include an internal and external Ph.D. internship, child and family systems and organizations, multicultural psychology, and more.

Furthermore, practical experience is a critical component of this study. In this capacity, you will need to take part in a psychology practicum.

This will allow you to learn important information from theoretical, empirical, and computational methods.

Furthermore, you will gain firsthand knowledge of practical proficiency with investigative methods and psychology study.

Before you finish, you will be required to complete a Ph.D. thesis. This is a scholarly paper that culminates all your years of research to solve a specific problem in academic practice.

To complete your doctoral thesis in psychology, you will be required to follow specific scholarly procedures.

Some schools may also allow you to use various kinds of methodology for your study and analysis.

Finally, in addition to classes and thesis, you can gain skills in multiple ways. This includes student advisors, assessment, therapy, and monitoring.

Best Psychology Doctorate Degree programs

One of the paths to career advancement includes earning an advanced degree in your chosen field.

In psychology, the Doctor of Psychology is one such advanced degree.

This applied clinical doctorate equips you with knowledge of treating patients with mental issues.

If this is an advanced degree you wish to obtain, then you might be interested in the different programs or specializations.

How Do I Become a Doctor of Psychology?

Graduating from PsyD is not an easy job. It starts with obtaining a doctoral degree in psychology, which will take several years to finish.

However, remember that your certificate must be obtained from a certified facility.

PsyD Schools Near Me: Colleges & Program Rankings

There are several PsyD programs available to choose from. Each of these programs allows you to specialize in a specific area. Here, we’ve provided all the details on these and more.


Alabama Alaska Arizona
Arkansas California Colorado
Connecticut Delaware Florida
Georgia Hawaii Idaho
Illinois Indiana Iowa
Kansas Kentucky Louisiana
Maine Maryland Massachusetts
Michigan Minnesota Mississippi
Missouri Montana Nebraska
Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey
New Mexico New York North Carolina
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Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island
South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee
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Wisconsin Wyoming

universities with PsyD programs

After earning your PsyD degree, you’ll proceed to receive a state-issued permit. This is to let you practice independently and without restriction.

However, before receiving a license, certain conditions must be fulfilled.

These include gaining a level of field experience in field experience, writing a professional exam for advanced psychologists, and many more.

Where Can I Work As A Doctor Of Psychology?

There are multiple locations where you can work as a PsyD graduate.

This includes community mental health centers, outpatient facilities, hospitals, the criminal justice system, research labs, corporate organizations, independent practice, school counseling centers, academic instructors, correctional facilities, juvenile practices, recovery homes, court systems, business organizations, etc.

As we’ve said above, there’re numerous careers for PsyD grads to explore. That depends on what kind of psychologist you want to be.

You can also see that these experts are well-remunerated for their service to mankind.

PsyD Programs USA: Pick Your Choice

To earn a doctorate in psychology, one of the first decisions you’ll have to make is choosing your preferred program.

These include developmental, counseling, behavioral, and clinical psychology.

Others include forensic psychology, school psychology, organizational psychology, geropsychology, and sports psychology. You can also earn a PsyD degree in engineering psychology and quantitative psychology.

PsyD Programs List

Let’s find out what each of these degrees entails.

i. Developmental Psychology PsyD Programs

Earning a PsyD in developmental psychology equips you with a broad understanding of human development that allows you to assess developmental disability.

You also get to assess how language skills are learned, research infant development, study the effect of moral reasoning, etc.

Requirements for earning a PsyD in developmental psychology will vary by school.

While that is true, candidates are generally expected to have completed a four-year bachelor’s degree in psychology and a master’s degree.

The PsyD program in developmental psychology is best for persons with an interest in the treatment & counseling of patients with developmental disorders.

ii. Counseling Psychology PsyD Programs

If this is a PsyD program you’re interested in, it will likely take you roughly years of full-time study to complete.

This program provides a solid foundation in research, theory, and practice. PsyD in counseling psychology programs is designed to meet the educational requirements for licensure.

With a PsyD degree in counseling psychology, you get to help with the alleviation of daily stresses in addition to helping improve the well-being of patients. Also, personal & interpersonal crises are resolved.

Concentrations of sub-specialties within this PsyD program include substance abuse and addictions, aging & senior issues, and sports psychology.

Others include children & adolescents, marriage & family, industrial/organizational issues, and trauma & abuse.

iii. Behavioral Psychology PsyD Programs

As a behavioral psychologist, you study the connection between the mind and behavior. Through such studies, predictions on human behavior are made.

With a PsyD degree in behavioral psychology, you’re equipped to offer assessment and evaluation of patients and talk therapy.

Other skills obtained include keeping detailed records of patient interactions, observing & recording human behavior, working with interdisciplinary teams, etc.

While you may be allowed to practice as a behavioral psychologist in certain jurisdictions with a master’s degree, a PsyD degree will mainly be required.

iv. Clinical Psychology PsyD Programs

This psychology specialization enables you to provide empirically-based service directly to clients. The degree is one of the multiple requirements for a psychology license.

When it comes to academic requirements for starting a PsyD program in clinical psychology, such may vary slightly by the school.

You may be required to have completed a master’s degree in the same program or one that’s closely related. What more? A GPA of between 3.0 and 3.5 may be required.

Candidates must also provide letters of recommendation, personal essays, and the likelihood of attending in-person interviews.

v. Forensic Psychology PsyD Programs

This degree offers an intersection between law and the practice & study of psychology. This specialization is highly regarded as essential to the criminal justice system.

With a PsyD degree, the opportunities are enormous. You work in rehabilitation facilities, police departments, prisons, etc.

Admission requirements into PsyD programs will mainly vary by school. While that is true, general conditions include a master’s degree in psychology or related fields.

You’ll also be required to present a statement of your goals, letters of recommendation, or a school-specific essay.

vi. School Psychology PsyD Programs

This is another PsyD program you may wish to study.

This degree equips you to become a practicing school psychologist. Here, hands-on services are offered to patients and institutions. You’ll need to meet set requirements to enroll in a PsyD program in school psychology.

While schools may have unique requirements, the general ones include the submission of 2 personal references, a personal essay, and a resume of career and educational experience.

What more? A GPA requirement of at least 3.0 may be necessary.

vii. Organizational Psychology PsyD Programs

As an organizational psychologist, you get to help businesses and organizations with far-reaching solutions that address the complexities of the modern business world.

Here, the improvement of structures, strategic leadership, and development of individual competencies are among the roles you’ll have.

A master’s degree is usually a minor requirement for enrolling in a PsyD program. The exact requirements may vary depending on the school you’re applying to.

However, some general requirements include submitting your application, transcripts, and two professional requirements.

Others include GRE scores and autobiographical statements on life experiences. A resume indicating professional experience will also be necessary.

viii. Sports Psychology PsyD Programs

What does it take to become a sports psychologist? A lot of things! First, you’ll need to earn a bachelor’s degree in psychology or another related field.

This is followed by a master’s in sports psychology. Next, you’ll need to get certified as a mental performance consultant to start practicing.

A PsyD degree is more advanced and opens up many to practice as a sports psychologist thoroughly.

Elements for enrolling in a PsyD program will vary from one institution to the next. You’ll need to find out what applies to your preferred school.

With a PsyD in sports psychology, you can practice as an athletic coach, performance coach, private practice clinical sports psychologist, health program coordinator, etc.

These PsyD programs include different specializations you can leverage on. You can establish a thriving practice by choosing your preferred PsyD program.